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Labrum and Bicep Injury Treatment in Glendale, CA

The biceps is a muscle with two muscle bellies, the long head and short head. They attach to a single point in the elbow on the radius bone. In the shoulder, the short head bicep tendon attaches to part of the shoulder blade called the coracoid. The long head bicep tendon travels deep into the shoulder joint and attaches on to the top of the labrum. The labrum is a cartilage ring that goes all the way around the edges of the shoulder joint socket(or glenoid). It provides the site of attachment not only for the biceps, but also for the ligaments that stabilize the shoulder.

Dealing with a labrum and bicep injury can be challenging, but you don’t have to face it alone. Adventist Orthopedics, a trusted orthopedic surgery clinic in Glendale, California, offers specialized solutions for labrum and bicep injuries to help you on your path to healing and renewed strength.

Dr. Morgan cares for patients in Glendale as well as Pasadena, Burbank, La Canada, La Crescenta and surrounding areas. Take the first step toward a stronger labrum and bicep today! Call 818-863-4446 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Morgan today!

How Do Labrum & Bicep Injuries Occur?

Biceps and labrum problems in the shoulder can occur from trauma or repetitive overhead use. A shoulder dislocation will tear the labrum in the front of the socket. Repetitive use or a hyperextension injury can lead to tears of the biceps and labrum attachment on the top of the socket. Biceps tendonitis is inflammation of the biceps tendon that can occur from repetitive use and is often seen in the setting of rotator cuff tears.

What Are the Symptoms of Labrum & Bicep Injuries?

Pain is typically experienced in the front of the shoulder and can be worse with overhead activity and lifting. The main function of the biceps is to turn the palm up or supinate the hand. Its secondary function is elbow flexion. Biceps and labrum problems can cause weakness with these maneuvers.

How are Labrum & Bicep Injuries Diagnosed?

Initial evaluation includes a physical exam and X-rays. An MRI scan is ordered to evaluate the location and extent of tearing.

How are Labrum & Bicep Injuries Treated?

Treatment of a torn biceps and labrum in the shoulder is typically non operative. Physical therapy, anti-inflammatories and injections can be done to reduce pain and improve function. In the setting of a shoulder dislocation, labrum repair is recommended to stabilize the shoulder and prevent recurrent instability. For overhead athletes, biceps/labral complex injuries may require surgical repair as well.

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