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Clavicle Fracture Treatment in Glendale, CA

What is the Clavicle?

The clavicle, or collar bone, is an S-shaped bone that connects your scapula (shoulder blade) to your sternum (breastbone). It functions as a strut to keep the scapula in place so the arm can hang freely.

A clavicle injury can be distressing, but you don’t have to let it weigh you down. Adventist Orthopedics, a trusted orthopedic surgery clinic in Glendale, California, offers specialized solutions for clavicle injuries to help you heal and regain strength in your shoulder.

Dr. Morgan cares for patients in Glendale as well as Pasadena, Burbank, La Canada, La Crescenta and surrounding areas. Take the first step toward a healing your clavicle injury! Call 818-863-4446to schedule your appointment with Dr. Morgan today!

What is a Clavicle Fracture?

Clavicle fractures account for about 3% of all fractures. They occur more commonly in young active individuals. The most common type of clavicle fracture is in the midshaft (middle of the bone). Midshaft fractures account for about 80% of all clavicle fractures. Typical mechanism of injury is falling directly onto the side of the shoulder.
Symptoms include pain and bruising. You may notice a deformity to the clavicle if one of the fracture ends is pushing up the underlying muscle and skin.

In medical terminology, we use the term fracture to describe a broken bone. Fractures can be displaced, meaning the bone has shifted or moved, or non-displaced. They can be simple, meaning one fracture line (commonly referred to as a ‘clean break’), or comminuted, meaning multiple pieces. Fractures can be closed, meaning the skin is intact, or open, meaning the bone breaks through the skin (commonly referred to as compound fractures).

How are Clavicle Fractures Treated?

Most clavicle fractures can be treated non operatively if minimally displaced. A sling is used for 6 weeks to facilitate bone healing. Physical therapy is recommended to restore full range of motion and strength. After the fracture has healed, patients can return to full activity as they feel comfortable.

If a clavicle fracture is displaced, surgery may be required to align the bone to allow for proper healing. Fractures that heal incompletely or in the wrong position may lead to chronic pain and shoulder dysfunction. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The bones are aligned and a metal plate is placed across the fracture. Screws are placed through the plate and into the bone to secure the fractured bone in place. The body will then heal the fracture by growing new bone across the fracture site. Bone healing takes about 6 weeks at which time patients can resume most activities. We recommend 12 weeks of healing before returning to contact or extreme sports.

Contact Adventist Orthopedics today to get help for your clavicle fracture treatment.

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