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Orthopedic News Pickleball’s Popularity and Common Injuries

Pickleball’s Popularity and Common Injuries

  • 2 min read

Pickleball is growing more and more popular, with people of all ages and skill levels joining the game. It’s a great way to get some exercise, have fun, and socialize with friends. This sport was invented in 1965 and has recently exploded in popularity.  The play resembles tennis, but the court is the size of a badminton court.

But just like with any other sport, injuries can occur. It’s important to keep safety in mind when playing pickleball.

Despite taking the necessary precautions while playing pickleball, injuries can still happen. Some common conditions associated with pickleball are tennis elbow, wrist tendonitis, knee, and ankle sprains. The repetitive swinging motion and quickly extending the arm out to return a shot can create shoulder injuries such as rotator cuff tendonitis or injuries to the biceps-labral complex.

Here are some tips on how to prevent injuries while playing pickleball:

  • Warm up before playing pickleball: it’s best to warm up your muscles by stretching or doing a light jog beforehand to help lower your risk of injury. Stretch both upper and lower extremities. Exercise and stretching programs can be downloaded at
  • Stay within your limits: it’s important to know your body and not overexert yourself when playing pickleball. To avoid strains or sprains, try not to move too quickly around the court or make any extreme movements that may put too much pressure on your body.
  • Take breaks: take frequent breaks between games or during longer matches to rest and recover. This will help minimize any muscular fatigue or soreness that may arise from continuous play over time.

Depending on your age and severity of the injury it is important to consult a doctor if you experience any of these issues. Depending on the diagnosis, a wide variety of treatments may be recommended ranging from rest, over the counter medications or topical creams for pain relief and reducing inflammation, and physical therapy. In more severe cases, surgery might be advised. It is important to note that it is never too early to seek out medical advice from your orthopedic specialist. By doing so you can identify any potential issues and take steps towards healing while avoiding any further damage.

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